Thanks Kareem for the reminder to be kind. The signature at the bottom of every email I send has a quote about kindness:

“…When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people…” Abraham Joshua Heschel

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Kareem, for decades, I have admired you both as an athlete and a person who with intellect and thoughtfulness has been trying to make the world a better place. And after seeing interviews with you or the occasional thought piece you have written the last few years, I subscribed to your substack this year. Boy am I glad I did. In a world that has turned dark in so many ways that just a few years ago would seem unthinkable, every week you fill my in box with useful information, clarity of thought, truth and hope. Thank you. And happy holidays.

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Thanks, Kareem! It's a great resolution. I'll embrace it too - albeit might be a bit difficult to stay that way with rabid election deniers and conspiracy quacks on the loose in Congress!

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Thank you Kareem. Being kinder should be the goal for all as it changes who we are as well as the recipients of our kindness. The song made me smile. My mother & father used to sing it. Peace to you for the holidays. You have made our lives better.

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Love this! Stay safe, Peeps. COVID is on the rise again.

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Well said my old friend. Glad to see that you have recovered from the health issues. Stay well! See you on the radio!

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Just wanted to thank you for your thoughtful comments on current events . It is always an interesting read even if i do not agree on a few . Happy holidays

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Thanks, Kareem. Working from home to finish two assignments - I'm a journalist, too - and that song gave me a laugh. My wife and I will watch the movie tonight. Peace be to you.

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Let me recommend the movie "Love Hard." Yes, it has a happy ending, but it was really good.

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Merry Christmas, Kareem. Thank you for your insightful, evocative writing. And BTW, I watched Glass Onion today—nice cameo!

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Thank you, sir. Salaam aleykum, and much peace and love to you, your family and loved ones through the holidays and throughout 2023. Your writing is magnificent and a real blessing to us all. When you get frustrated, be kind. In all things, be kind. Thanks for the reminder.

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Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays/Happy New Year. Thank you for providing me something serious to think about weekly.

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For the sake of argument let’s accept that the lyrics are part of a seduction put to music. So what? Seduction is part of the voluntary interaction between two people who are probing the boundaries of their physical and emotional intimacy. It’s a process that was typically enjoyed by both seducer and the seducee. Indeed, both parties typically played both roles at various times during the encounter. Let’s stop making mountains out of molehills.

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Happy holidays to Kareems gang of merry men and women who care about a better world for all.Peace on Earth.

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Kareem, the way you have lived your life always has expressed kindness…. Happy Holidays!

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Thanks for the intelligent and newsworthy column. It always lifts me up to know that you are not only handsome and fabulously skillful, but smart as hell and willing to share your wisdom with us. You make my day!

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Cap, thanks for a lifetime of inspiration ❤️

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