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I'm a cardiologist in your audience, and while I'm so sorry you've had to go through this, thank you for being an advocate to help raise awareness!! Much better to find afib early and to prevent its dreaded complications...

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We wish you a long life. That's why we subscribe, I think. All the best from all of us (I haven't checked with the others, but it's a safe bet.)

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I was with my family at a restaurant and fainted at the table. I had worked out earlier in the day but didn’t drink a lot water. Went to the ER in an ambulance and was told I had AFib. I also now take daily medication and drink plenty of water when working out. It’s a serious problem and I hope your publicizing it in your Substack will save some lives.

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Sir, as you know, am a big fan of your work. Please do not walk symptoms off in the future. As a cardiologist, I could give you royal hell right now, but won't. When you need help, please ask and get it. Keep well and if any questions, you can ask your doctors. No more lectures this morning.:))

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I'll bet that was a tough column to write. Thanks for being vulnerable.

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Good on you Kareem! It is so important that you stay healthy! We need your positive input, giant intelligence and compassion and empathy! We need you as a leader and others like you so your newsletter is very important. Thank you, Marsha

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Sir, I can’t tell you how thankful I am that you chose to write about this topic now! Recently, I felt like my heart was pounding, felt lightheaded and a little dizzy. I attributed it to my age as well and dismissed it, as it didn’t persist more than a few minutes. Maybe I got up too fast, etc. But there have been other things too, like tiredness, shortness of breath at times and general lack of energy. After reading this article I immediately called my Dr and made an appointment ASAP. Thank you for this, and all the years of basketball greatness you’ve given us. Always a fan.

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Thank you for the wisdom

Just had a similar episode this. very morning with my doctor as I found out (actually I knew but...) that my cholesterol was dangerously high and that I need to follow a treatment. I'm still battling the idea of taking medication, though. Lord of mercy

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OMG! This is the BEST and most timely article! Thank you for making people aware of this affliction, Kareem! My wife is a Pfizer (Haleon) employee and is thrilled to know that you're partnering with big pharma to spread the word.

The article is timely due to the fact that I've been experiencing some "weirdness" (outside my normal weirdness) over the past month or two, and have been postponing the annual physical...mainly due to the colonoscopy that's overdue, but also due to the fact that I don't want to know, and admit, that I may have the beginning of a heart or pulmonary disease, based upon some of those same symptoms that you outlined. I was even looking at Kardia Mobile device just last night, so I'll take your message as a sign from my higher power or an affirmation to take action. Peace and Serenity

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Yet again we all owe you a debt of gratitude for sharing your own story and in turn, advocating for ALL of us to benefit from it.

You da' man KAJ!!

Sincerely, Thank You for the lesson and reminder(s). ;)

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Good essay--yes, I can relate--I'm too cynical about doctors and meds, but luckily, my spouse isn't so that helps keep me on track.

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My neighbor has this condition, and has been managing it for years. But even the best of us don't always do it perfectly. He is still with us at 78yrs young! He recently landed in the hospital with more severe symptoms and while he was in there, he had a heart attack...talk about being in the right place at the right time! They were able to treat him immediately and he was home after a few days!

Thanks for your vulnerability and courage to share your personal information and journey!

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This struck home today. My husband is dealing with some issues. You have help us have a conversation. Thank you. Thank you

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I hope you are able to keep it under control, Kareem. Please take good care of yourself - we need you!

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Good information for people. Thanks for addressing it. A-Fib person here. I was able to manage it with medication for a number of years but eventually I needed an ablation. My life is completely transformed. Of course no one “wants” a medical procedure, and I went a good distance without one- but it truly was transformational. Important to pay attention to your heart!

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Question is.......why are so many people having problems with afib now?

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