I watched Michael jackson's funeral-at the end jermaine sang'smile'-a good singer,but part of me wished they'd just played nat's version-a 100 times better
Thank you, Kareem, just for being here this morning. So much to unpack but it’s good to escape sometimes. I’ll listen to Nat singing but unfortunately I can’t forget that he was unable to purchase a house where he wanted to live, even given his worldwide fame. We must stay strong and fight Mump et al. Peace and Love to fellow patriots.
I have a brilliant idea and it's all because of your newly made-up word. Instead of calling the gulf by the currently demanded name, it should be rebranded as the Gulf of the Dimbulblovias. Then we can ship all those dimbulbs to the gulf and wait for the dimness to extinguish and no longer float, because only light will permit them to remain above water. And I really doubt any of them are holy enough to walk across the wetness to the shore, not even that rapper who crossed over to the darkness of the right-wing. And perhaps they will even be permitted to witness the beauty of the Black Sea Hare. Once. Which reminds me of a combination of a manta ray, squid and/or jellyfish because of its movements in the water.
Nature Boy. What a beautiful song. The first LP I bought was Love is the Thing by Nat King Cole. Hi Fi. Not even stereo. Around 1960 I think. Still have it too. Thank you for playing the song.
Looking forward to your graphic novel Kareem. I will pre-order it also.
Praise and honor to those who participated in the rallies yesterday. Bravery, courage, solidarity and tenacity are what we need right now. We must all work together to be the real heroes to save our country.
On Gill's "petition" to deport Omar, I'm also pretty sure that you cannot arrest and/or deport someone just because a lot of people don't like you. Another beauty of our system is that, as offensive as our opinions may be, we are protected from the "tyranny of the majority."
Kareem, that old man is an extension of that kid who had a moral compass, integrity, and heart. Someone coined a phrase years ago, “when you stand for nothing, you fall for anything.” Author, unclear. It is where we find ourselves today: amongst cowards-people not standing for anything! From your depictions (and what we are witnessing), there is no difference between Musk and Trump, in terms of modes of operation: attacks on those who would do good with slander, intimidation, and personal destruction (like judges, Ilhan Omar). It’s the Republican Way! I, too, am glad when American hostages are released, but as I started, “when you stand for nothing…”
As always great takes on both large and little things. I became a Nat Cole fan back when it was just the Nat Cole Trio (dating myself back to the late 30s-early 40s) with records like "Jack the Bell Boy" - and, of course, the hit that still lives on - "Route 66."
Love the backstory you provide on "Nature Boy."
Would like to see you give all your readers the word on February 28 one-day boycott that would let big business briefly see the potential power of the people.
Poignant and precise take on nascent AI “A mocking parody of our joy and pain, striving for meaning.” AI seems empty, like a billionaire on a quest for significance in life. As always, thank you for your talented take and for writing with your principles always in mind.
Enjoyed the eclectic nature of your videos as usual- that last skier almost made it!
Hi Kareem, I just want to thank you for doing the work that you’re doing. Right now, more than ever, this work is crucial for the survival of our country. I believe that the primary pillars that protect our nation from authoritarian rule are the legislative branch, the judiciary, the media, the military, and finally the people. With the first two compromised or at least on the brink, media is of the upmost importance, and in this day and age, you and other independent writers like you are the media. I am so grateful for you and those like you who are shining the light in these dark times.
Does anyone know who the rest of the King Cole Trio were on this video. The guitar was outstanding. I used to have an early King Cole Trio record that included or added Lester Young on sax.
Love the “the young me/now me” concept you’ve used in Champions! As someone firmly positioned in the septuagenarian neck of the woods, I frequently find myself imagining a conversation between 18 year old me and current me. My scenario typically has us sitting on stools in Garyowens Bar on Dyckman Street in Inwood. It wasn’t legal to drink at 18 in New York until 1971 but in those days most bartenders weren’t too fussy about the law. The general consensus was that if you were old enough to get sent to Vietnam, you were old enough to drink. Don’t get me wrong, I was basically a nice kid, but some of 18 year old me’s convictions don’t seem to have survived the test of time. (Of course I haven’t ruled out the possibility that maybe I’ve turned into a stultified old Boomer.) Just your 2 page sampler of Champions proves it’s a solid contender for the cherished Linda McMahon Banned Book of the Year Award. As a fellow Power Memorial alum, I’m looking forward to reading the book.
Always loved this song since I first heard it many years ago (I’m 80). Besides the song /lyric I was also a Nat King Cole fan just as long. Great choice, thanks for bringing it to the attention of your many fans!
First, I admired your decision to forego the 1968 Olympics. I am not sure students today really understand how significant that decision was. In 1968 the Olympics, under the fist of Avery Brundage, was "amateur" athletes only. This was your only chance then to earn an Olympic medal - a common dream for many athletes - before you turned professional. Even just participating in an Olympic Games is a dream very few will realize. Harry Edwards's leadership in organizing the boycott was also much admired and that is not to take anything away from the courage of Tommie Smith and John Carlos, a courage that took decades to really be acknowledged.
The second thing I would like to point out is I would hope that you would promote Bookshop.org and leave Amazon promotion in the gutter with Bezos, where they both belong. Bookshop.org promotes and supports independent bookshops. Amazon seeks to choke them.
Thank you for your commentaries. I invariably enjoy them.
Nat Cole: "The best friend a song ever had", said Jack Benny. I agree. The 60th anniversary of Nat's death was February 15.
nat was great-my faves-stardust;that Sunday,that summer;smile;its only a paper moon;roll out etc.;rambling rose;yours?bathare lives
I watched Michael jackson's funeral-at the end jermaine sang'smile'-a good singer,but part of me wished they'd just played nat's version-a 100 times better
Thank you, Kareem, just for being here this morning. So much to unpack but it’s good to escape sometimes. I’ll listen to Nat singing but unfortunately I can’t forget that he was unable to purchase a house where he wanted to live, even given his worldwide fame. We must stay strong and fight Mump et al. Peace and Love to fellow patriots.
Maybe Musk can find Trumps tax return
I have a brilliant idea and it's all because of your newly made-up word. Instead of calling the gulf by the currently demanded name, it should be rebranded as the Gulf of the Dimbulblovias. Then we can ship all those dimbulbs to the gulf and wait for the dimness to extinguish and no longer float, because only light will permit them to remain above water. And I really doubt any of them are holy enough to walk across the wetness to the shore, not even that rapper who crossed over to the darkness of the right-wing. And perhaps they will even be permitted to witness the beauty of the Black Sea Hare. Once. Which reminds me of a combination of a manta ray, squid and/or jellyfish because of its movements in the water.
Nature Boy. What a beautiful song. The first LP I bought was Love is the Thing by Nat King Cole. Hi Fi. Not even stereo. Around 1960 I think. Still have it too. Thank you for playing the song.
Looking forward to your graphic novel Kareem. I will pre-order it also.
Praise and honor to those who participated in the rallies yesterday. Bravery, courage, solidarity and tenacity are what we need right now. We must all work together to be the real heroes to save our country.
Peace and Love Kareem.✌️♥️
On Gill's "petition" to deport Omar, I'm also pretty sure that you cannot arrest and/or deport someone just because a lot of people don't like you. Another beauty of our system is that, as offensive as our opinions may be, we are protected from the "tyranny of the majority."
Kareem, that old man is an extension of that kid who had a moral compass, integrity, and heart. Someone coined a phrase years ago, “when you stand for nothing, you fall for anything.” Author, unclear. It is where we find ourselves today: amongst cowards-people not standing for anything! From your depictions (and what we are witnessing), there is no difference between Musk and Trump, in terms of modes of operation: attacks on those who would do good with slander, intimidation, and personal destruction (like judges, Ilhan Omar). It’s the Republican Way! I, too, am glad when American hostages are released, but as I started, “when you stand for nothing…”
I believe we all have a small bit of apprehension that sometime we may punished for our dissent. It seems like we are headed in that direction.
As always great takes on both large and little things. I became a Nat Cole fan back when it was just the Nat Cole Trio (dating myself back to the late 30s-early 40s) with records like "Jack the Bell Boy" - and, of course, the hit that still lives on - "Route 66."
Love the backstory you provide on "Nature Boy."
Would like to see you give all your readers the word on February 28 one-day boycott that would let big business briefly see the potential power of the people.
Poignant and precise take on nascent AI “A mocking parody of our joy and pain, striving for meaning.” AI seems empty, like a billionaire on a quest for significance in life. As always, thank you for your talented take and for writing with your principles always in mind.
Enjoyed the eclectic nature of your videos as usual- that last skier almost made it!
Or as Shakespeare put it, “full of sound and fury, signifying nothing”.
Hi Kareem, I just want to thank you for doing the work that you’re doing. Right now, more than ever, this work is crucial for the survival of our country. I believe that the primary pillars that protect our nation from authoritarian rule are the legislative branch, the judiciary, the media, the military, and finally the people. With the first two compromised or at least on the brink, media is of the upmost importance, and in this day and age, you and other independent writers like you are the media. I am so grateful for you and those like you who are shining the light in these dark times.
Does anyone know who the rest of the King Cole Trio were on this video. The guitar was outstanding. I used to have an early King Cole Trio record that included or added Lester Young on sax.
“ DimBulblovia” — let’s keep that term going! 😂
Love the “the young me/now me” concept you’ve used in Champions! As someone firmly positioned in the septuagenarian neck of the woods, I frequently find myself imagining a conversation between 18 year old me and current me. My scenario typically has us sitting on stools in Garyowens Bar on Dyckman Street in Inwood. It wasn’t legal to drink at 18 in New York until 1971 but in those days most bartenders weren’t too fussy about the law. The general consensus was that if you were old enough to get sent to Vietnam, you were old enough to drink. Don’t get me wrong, I was basically a nice kid, but some of 18 year old me’s convictions don’t seem to have survived the test of time. (Of course I haven’t ruled out the possibility that maybe I’ve turned into a stultified old Boomer.) Just your 2 page sampler of Champions proves it’s a solid contender for the cherished Linda McMahon Banned Book of the Year Award. As a fellow Power Memorial alum, I’m looking forward to reading the book.
Ah Nature Boy. What a wonderful way to start the morning. It brings my blood pressure down…for a few minutes anyway.
Always loved this song since I first heard it many years ago (I’m 80). Besides the song /lyric I was also a Nat King Cole fan just as long. Great choice, thanks for bringing it to the attention of your many fans!
Two comments regarding "Champion".
First, I admired your decision to forego the 1968 Olympics. I am not sure students today really understand how significant that decision was. In 1968 the Olympics, under the fist of Avery Brundage, was "amateur" athletes only. This was your only chance then to earn an Olympic medal - a common dream for many athletes - before you turned professional. Even just participating in an Olympic Games is a dream very few will realize. Harry Edwards's leadership in organizing the boycott was also much admired and that is not to take anything away from the courage of Tommie Smith and John Carlos, a courage that took decades to really be acknowledged.
The second thing I would like to point out is I would hope that you would promote Bookshop.org and leave Amazon promotion in the gutter with Bezos, where they both belong. Bookshop.org promotes and supports independent bookshops. Amazon seeks to choke them.
Thank you for your commentaries. I invariably enjoy them.