Many of the members of the current Supreme Court were appointed using questionable tactics. The names were given to Bush and Trump by a bunch of extreme billionaires who want to fulfill Alito’s vision of a (white) Christian nation. So far, they have restricted abortion and access to women’s health and advancement. They have allowed extreme gerrymandering, gutted the Voting Rights Act, protected industries that pollute and exploit their workers, and in return, they have given everyone a military style weapon to protect themselves from Black people and liberals. Most recently, they have made sure that the man who has committed some of the most serious crimes in American history won’t have a trial. They have already made life more difficult and unequal in America, and they are not finished yet. We have to continue to highlight their extreme arrogance and corruption, and find ways to reform the court.

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Well said.

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Amen! We have to keep on top of it because we have to try to make change happen as soon as we can. If we all vote blue & work to get our family, friends & neighbors involved we can try to effect the positive change that's needed to amend the constitution sooner rather than later. At a minimum we need term limits. Heck, presidents have limits - why wouldn't SC justices?

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I’m so sorry for the loss of your friend, Jerry West. May memories of your friend Jerry soon replace your sadness with smiles.

As a young adult, I had the privilege of watching you both play basketball. Now I feel gifted again by the honor of reading your brilliant words. Thank you.

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I don’t know if you use any of the music streaming services, but it occurred to me that making a playlist of your music recommendations that gets updated with each post would be a wonderful thing.

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What a great idea! KAL's Playlist!

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Hi Kareem. I've not read this newsletter in its entirety yet, because I wanted to get to your thoughts on Crowded House and your song choice. What a fantastic song, by a fantastic band. I'm an Aussie and a Crowded House fan. If you love Don't Drem it's Over for being lyrical and poetic, I encourage you to listen to more of Crowded House's tunes. This song is just the tip of the meaningful and thought provoking play list that they have produced.

I play a few records every Saturday morning while I am pottering around the house, and your song choice has inspired me to pull out some Crowded House vinyl to play tomorrow morning (before I watch the NBA at 10am Aussie time!)

Thanks Kareem - and take care in your grief.

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During pandemic stay at home days, some members of the band(and Neil's son I think) got together and did one of those videos where they played together in their respective homes. It was really lovely and poignant. And I loved that song when it first came out, here in California.


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I remember when they did this - so beautiful. Thanks for sharing the link.

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You were the first person I thought of when I heard the news of Jerry's passing. Sending big love and seriously sincere condolences. The loss is devastatingly real for an admirer like me - especially so close to the heels of Bill's departure - I am sad for your sadness and the can't imagine how that vacancy must feel when such special humans depart.

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Honestly, I thought the same thing and appreciate your note. (I didn't read the newsletter until 6/16.)

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Sorry about your friend.

Microplastics… what an unintended consequence.

Clarence? I’m a big fan of Brené Brown’s work on getting rid of shame, but I think she talked about misplaced shame, distorted, shame. — Clarence brings up that old question, “Have you no shame?” You know the kind that makes people do the right thing and want to do better…

Thank you for the excerpt on art and poetry … may you find a great verse today…

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Sorry about "The Logo". He was a kind person. I met him when I was a kid. He was nice and kind.

Kareem wrote: "...there is no way the GOP would agree to do what’s best for the country over what helps their party." BINGO! That's been the problem all along. That traitor, Mitch McConnell, could have done something to nip it all in the bud while Trump was still Prez, but he chose to side with partisan politics versus the Constitution...and doing the right thing. Now, we're stuck with "Frankenstein's Monster" terrorizing the Divided States of America.

"Virtue means doing the right thing, in relation to the right person, at the right time, to the right extent, in the right manner, for the right purpose" - Aristotle

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14

Kareem, you came to mind, when hearing the loss of Jerry West. So close to Walton’s! I recalled you saying, “I awake, preparing to grieve.” Sending support your way! We’ve run out of words for Thomas and Alito. If Thomas were female, he’d be declared ‘a kept woman.’ Man or woman, he’s defrauding the government of taxes. We criminalize Hunter (an addict) for not paying his taxes, but overlook the justice, of the highest court. Clarence, Ginny, Samuel, and Martha-Ann: Somebody, make them make sense.

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Very glad to be reading you this morning, Kareem, after our local paper featured the headline Death of Basketball Icon over a picture of Jerry West seated between you and Bill Russell. I didn’t know that Jerry was the model for the literal icon of the NBA, so my heart dropped thinking it might mean you. Thanks for hanging in there another day. And your memory of Jerry was extremely heartwarming.

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There is no Justice when the justices are biased.

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My sympathies on the loss of your friend, Jerry West. I’m a native of LA County and he was the first basketball player I ever knew by name when I was a kid. I hope the NBA keeps that logo forever.

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I’m so sorry to hear about the death of your friend. That is a deep wound to heal. Take care of yourself.

As to Republicans and corruption on the Court? I m going to use my energy writing post cards to get out the vote and anything else in my power to get rid of these arrogant, self-serving creeps.

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I am so sorry for your loss of two good friends in such a short period of time. Friends are such a blessing...

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Thank you for your piece about not understanding, but the need, for understanding, poetry.

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Poetry the twist of words.

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When I was young I saw a lot of Laker games with Baylor and West on the floor together. (If only they had had a center who could match Russell.) The NBA was not as popular as it is now, so my friends and I would sneak into the best vacant seats we could. Often, that was on the floor next to the 24 second clock (back then on the corner of the floor). I saw many legendary games, but the best were those between the Lakers and Cincinnati Royals, since that meant West v Robertson. With all due respect for Baylor, Cousy, Chamberlain, et al, West and Robertson were the two best players in the game. There are so many great players today, but I am not sure West and Robertson are not still the best ever.

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