This morning you brought me a lot of information, Kareem, some of which I had completely missed. The fake “doctor” for instance who seems completely unhinged. I’m glad you included the link to sanity as an antidote. I’m very impressed by your wide-ranging interests and ability to shine far beyond your legendary athletic ability. Peace and Love.

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On Teamster President O'Brien, I say he is a liar and an embarrassment to the Labor Movement. I was an elected Labor Advocate for the American Postal Workers Union for 45 years. I was also elected President of the local AFL-CIO and for the AFL-CIO for eleven counties in NY for a generation. I know the players, including Teamster leaders. I checked the Teamster website and the count on the Presidential endorsement, both stroll polls in Locals and their electronic poll, had a response from less than 4% of the 1.3 million Teamsters. I was able to read on that website the last Teamsters magazine that went to the union members during the time of the polling. Mr. O'Brien never tells his members what Trump's corrupt Courts had done to remove worker rights and worker safety protections. He never tells his members that Trump appointed a Board Member of the notorious anti-union National Right to Work Committee (Scalia) to Secretary of Labor. He never informs his members that it was the current administration that passed legislation giving tens of billions of dollars to make Teamsters troubled pension funds whole. He gave credibility to a bigot when the majority of America's union members are now women and people of color, a movement that embraces all, including our LBGTQ* members. The previous Teamster President, who had retired, has shamed him in a scathing public letter. That long time President, Mr. Hoffa, cannot be accused of the progressive politics of AOC. Hopefully his members will vote him out after his one shameful term.

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Re Envy - I once watched the Dalai Llama interviewed on Australian TV. He was asked what was the secret to happiness. His answer was that it was the to stop wanting things. There were two ways to achieve this - firstly to get everything you want, which is impossible as you will then want more, or secondly, to teach yourself to stop wanting things.

I always took this message to mean stop envying others and be happy with what you have and have achieved. I have tried to live my life by this creed ever since and I can attest I am far happier than I have ever been. Since that interview, I have married, had a child, built a career in a profession I love and now can generally say I want for nothing. Who can ask for more than that?

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The sad part is Sen. Kennedy is a smart, highly educated man who graduated with honors from Vanderbilt, UVA Law and Oxford. One wonders how much of this is an act.

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All of it. Over on the Bulwark, I engaged in a brief back and forth about this with a woman who knew Kennedy during his collegiate years. She said it's all theater, down to the twangy hillbilly accent.

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I can relate your conclusion that highly specifically educated people assume they’re smart about everything so don’t do their due diligence in politics. I read a book awhile back (forget the title) about highly trained navy seal or high ranking athletes believe they’re prepared for any physical activity & often die from simply not being prepared for river rafting or other sports outside of their specialty.

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Thank you for a insightful letter today, Kareem. I always enjoy seeing your articles pop up in my inbox. My thoughts: you wrote "Vance declares legal immigrants to be illegal because he doesn’t like the government programs that helped them." But don't you think it is less about party policies and more about the Haitians blackness? I sadly don't think we would have as much controversy if the immagrants were Caucasian and from Europe. He is a common racist spitting out hate. These statements about Haitians eating family pets reminds me of the Nazi propaganda about the Jews. Just trying to flare up feelings of hate.

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I guess no one will envy my being borne in Louisiana. The political ignorance and apathy are paramount and rough! Voting at 23% for major elections is unthinkable! Kareem, I, too, long to “Make America Rational Again.” In states like LA, there appear to be no recognition of correlated conditions and voting habits. So, they remain governed by racist, irrational, lying politicians, who game, and vote against their interests. I sometimes think that coastal states enable that ignorance, because WE are their rescuers, preventing them from truly experiencing the government for which they vote…or not.

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Thanks for "You're Only Lonely" this morning, Kareem. My lacrimal glands needed a good flushing out, and this accomplished it in spades. This song is in the same league as Louis Armstrong's "What a Wonderful World" and Ray Charles' rendition of "America the Beautiful" for accomplishing the same function.

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Thanks for posting the clip of Fred Astaire and Eleanor Powell. I think I first saw it <<mumble mumble>> years ago when I was an undergraduate at Cal. They don't make 'em like they used to!

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I looked up the Clay Higgins story because it seemed so wild, but many reputable news sources confirmed it. Yikes!

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I looked up the Clay Higgins story because it just seemed so wild, but many reputable news sources confirmed it. This isn’t the first time such comments have been made in Congress, but I thought that was in the past like 1940s and earlier. yikes!

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Envy: This reminded me of the commandment “thou shalt not covet”. Is the desire to gain the respect and acceptance of others bad? To be competitive, to have and be able to do similar things as your peers? It can be good, but what makes it bad is the enmity. Here’s an insightful talk on that subject: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/1989/04/beware-of-pride?lang=eng

Competitiveness without enmity is good!

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Always love your writing, and your choice of videos - whether they show appalling behavior or delightful joy. The dance piece, in addition to simply being fun, made me wonder whether Astaire ever tried tapping while wearing high heels? Lol

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Another excellent, informative column, Kareem!

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I asked to unsubscribe…$80 is too much for me this year …and receive a refund, but I haven’t succeeded on either request. Please help. Thank you.

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I forwarded your request to someone in tech. Sorry to see you go.

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Kareem, if Mary is unsubscribing solely because the cost is out of her reach, I will be happy to assist. Please let me know.

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Something Glen and I can agree on. I can help also.

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Thank you for this You have an amazing mind.

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