The only people who can save America from fascism and committing crimes against humanity, without wrecking the world's economy, are congressional Republicans -- and they are onboard with fascism. It would take four Republicans caucusing with the Democrats to stop Trump. They don't exist.

Otherwise, foreign countries will have to block Trump with economic sanctions and some shock and awe of their own: accept Ukraine in the EU, eject the US from Nato, isolate the US economically, accept the pain of a severe recession.

People are frozen now, unable to accept that under Trump the US is the ally of Russia, China, North Korea and Hungary. And it is the enemy of the Constitution, democracy, and the world order.

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Those who have chaotic minds can only produce chaos. And aren't there drugs involved? We must do something to stop all this madness. Come to Jesus time. As if!

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It was tragically comical to see the disgusted and uncomprehending expressions on the faces of Trump and his retinue when that bishop spoke at an inaugural service about the Christian values of love and kindness. They were dumbfounded.

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Kareem, I admire your productivity! I’m looking forward to reading your books. I’ll call my local independent bookstore today to pre-order. It’s comforting in this scary time to know that you and your commentators are kindred spirits.

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Unfortunately this rings true.

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Thank you for all you do, Kareem. Have pre-ordered one of the books and will add the other soon. Meanwhile, just want to share that preacher woman Paula has two divorces under her belt and is working on her third marriage. I, too, have had three husbands and many other lovers. But I don’t holler from the pulpit about how others should live, nor advise presidents on faith-based initiatives!

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😂Thanks for sharing, Katharine. I hear you.

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Thank you, my dear. I thought about you as I read Kareem nice and early this morning. He finds great stuff to cheer us up besides covering the OMG stuff.

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Always! I’m just impressed with his depth. Being aware of him, from his UCLA days, I knew he was intelligent, but his curiosity for knowledge, and his well-roundness, just amazes me! I truly learn something, with each posting…Yes, Kareem, we are talking about you, to your face.

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Yes, Grant issued General Order no. 11 expelling the Jews from the Memphis district. Lincoln reversed that order. Grant admitted clearly that he had made a mistake, and in fact had more Jewish appointees in his government than all previous American presidents combined. Later in life, near death, Grant said that executive order No. 11 was one of the great mistakes of his life. It led to a transformation of a man with the wisdom to learn from his mistakes. a general who expelled "Jews as a class" became the president who had more Jewish appointees in his government than all previous presidents combined.

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Thanks for clarifying the situation. I know he came to regret his choice, but that didn’t help the people he uprooted. Grant had the humility to change. I don’t see that try with Trump and Musk.

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Thank you for the history lesson. It's always enlightening here to learn something new , especially since I'm not a history buff. Never would have known that about Grant.

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The raven is smarter than Trump.

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By a factor of 100!

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All I can say is, this idiot told us who he was and a majority of my fellow Americans said, “yes, gimme some of that!.” All of us must suffer for that and hope that the memory of that suffering sticks longer than a couple of years. Have a great weekend and I would love to buy your book.

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I agree with the Native American analogy, it will be the Gaza Strip/Palestinian "Trail of Tears".

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there's lots of open space in trump land(formerly known as muddle America)

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I have to take issue with the thought that “mainstream media” can help people to understand what is happening in this country. The NY Times and others continue to report the dismantling of agencies and the overriding of laws as actions that are extreme maybe, but somehow still a part in our government, when in fact we are witnessing a coup.

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“Mainstream media” is now Meta, X, Tik Tok, Fox”News”, OAN and others. Attention spans last as long as News bites; one line. Yes, a coup indeed!

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So... which religion is going to receive Pope/King Trump's blessing as the only permissible way to worship him? A theocracy can abide only one religion; everything else is blasphemy, even if every religion claims to be Christian, all must eventually be subsumed into one perfect entity. Just ask anyone from the Church of Christ, a devoutly fundamentalist sect primarily found in the South. I was brought up in this religion and taught that only those who were baptized into the Church of Christ had any hope of everlasting life in Heaven. Didn't matter if these other congregations called themselves "Christians." Catholics were Catholics, Lutherans were Lutherans, Presbyterians were Presbyterians, etc., etc., etc. Only those whose butts were planted in the pews of a Church of Christ could claim the mantle of true "Christian." The Church of Christ forbade musical instruments, because there were not pianos, organs, guitars during Jesus's time. Only the human voice was good enough for God. The rant goes on and on and on.

Samuel Clemens/Mark Twain wrote "Letters From the Earth" a few years before he died, but it wasn't published, per his stated wishes in his will, until 50 years after his death because he did not want his heirs to suffer repercussions of his "blasphemy.". It is a funnier-than-hell take-down of religion, especially but not solely Christianity.

Trump and minions won't be going to hell for their blasphemy, though. I know this because there is no Hell. Period. EOD. I despise Trump so thoroughly that, in his case, I wish there were such a punishment.

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Letters from the Earth is one of the funniest and most satirical book I have ever read. Thank you for mentioning it.

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I loved S Clemons book when I read it many years ago. With your reminder, I will read it again.

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I just ordered the social justice book. can't wait to read it. we are the same generation. I am on the board of a L.A.-based arts organization called the Center for the Study of Political Graphics (CSPG). CSPG is the largest collection of social justice posters in the United States, more than 90,000. It's an extraordinary collection, dating as far back as French Dreyfus posters. Would love to give you a tour if you are interested. Illustrations for your next book? rogerlowenstein@gmail.com

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What a wonderful endeavor. Perhaps you could link a website for our readers.

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www.politicalgraphics.org. check it out, and i'm serious about arranging a tour for interested persons. we have digitized much of the collection and lend the digital copies to grass-roots organizations who use them for organizing purposes.....r.

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The day after Trump was elected the first time I wrote a letter to my local newspaper, the last line of which was, “America, what have you done?” Your clip of Paula White-Cain answers that question better than any words I could conjure.

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First of all, congratulations on the books, looking forward to reading. In today’s political environment, “Stormy Weather” is apropos figuratively and for my atmosphere outside. And yes, it’s raining on everybody, but some will get wetter than others. The more they implement “Faith-based” initiatives, the more corrupt they get: talk like me, pray like me, your requests are literally “granted.” People who are exhibiting the most hypocritical and heathenistic behaviors are attempting to judge us and corral us into one for control. Hopefully, these consternations are a wake-up call for those who opined, “My vote doesn’t count.”

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as you say, the exodus from England was over WHICH Christian religion was in charge. That problem is still with us, with WAY more divisions within Christianity. You can see it in the response of a bunch of Christian groups to the holy babbler being appointed to an "office of faith" which suggests that SHE represents THEM. Get the idea of a Christian Nation official, and another 30 years war will start, this time with semi automatic weapons.

It isn't just Ravens. Crows, too. I've seen a lot of similar videos about them. They sit in droves on the fiber optic cable attached to my house and I SWEAR when there is an internet glitch, they are behind it.

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Kareem, I just got put on the waiting list and bought your first book through bookshop.

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Stormy Weather, indeed. We're deep into the muck now...

I am a Christian, and I believe the creation of anything promoting any religion within the government is unacceptable. In a free and democratic society, people must have the right to choose if they believe and what they believe. This is the ideal we should uphold. Honestly, I'm surprised Trump hasn't made himself the religion we're all supposed to follow...because isn't that what's happening? It's a cult with a deranged leader and deluded followers.

PS - Many congratulations on your new books, Kareem. I look forward to reading more!

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Preordered both! I am also grateful for your an earlier book, "Brothers in Arms." My grand dad served as a quartermaster with the 761st Armored Tank Battalion and thank you for your work. Keep the faith.

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Brothers in Arms was a learning experience for me.

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I love how you say that your second choice of career would be a history teacher. Remember that it is never too late - I am sure your local high schools would welcome you in some capacity.

I think the best career decision I made was to retrain from IT into a history teacher - history was always my first love. Sometimes it feels like we are beating our heads against a brick wall but every now and again we have moments were we know we have made a difference. One was during the past week. For some unknown reason my high school decided to dust off an archaic house system to divide our students up and have them compete for rewards. To make it worse the names of the houses are from the 1930s - 2 former governors of NSW who had almost nothing to do with our area and a white explorer who was responsible for promoting the alienation of aboriginal land. The fourth name was that of a local land feature that was named after the rock of Gibraltar despite already having an indigenous name.

After explaining this to my Modern History class they decided to do something about it. They researched the origin of the names, critiqued why they were no longer appropriate and then put forward a criteria for new names and a list of possible names with justifications for why they were important. One of the students is a Gundungurra (the local first nation people) woman and she wrote that every time students chant house names it is like celebrating the loss of her land and culture. I posted their essay on the school website and the feedback has been awesome.

The best bit, however, is that my Gundugurra student told me she was planning on being a history teacher for her career. I have never been prouder.

Keep critiquing, keep using logical arguments against emotive outbursts and be persistent. Change will eventually come.

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I too left IT for teaching history, and looking back, it was the pivotal decision in creating a happier life. Teaching high school students brings so much more joy in my life than marketing applications to Fortune Five clients who only understood profit and competition. The students are the future.

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