There is a common thing in the outrages you address in your article today, Kareem. It is that for MAGAts, cruelty toward women and minorities, and toward those doing the hardest, dirtiest, lowest paid jobs is a value in itself, a feature, not a bug, of how they “think” and what they do. When they can prey on the vulnerable, that’s a win. They also revel in aggressive ignorance, be it of science, history, economics. MTG is just their grotesque poster child. They are all like her in varying degrees. Conscience is not an issue with them. They have none. Cowardice is their modus operandi, and they are truly excellent at it. That we have so many of them horrifies, terrifies and disgusts decent people the world over, and it should.

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Kareem, you (and Heather Richardson) provide more value for the buck than anyone out there.

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Trump raised the national debt by $7.8 trillion (ProPublica) and no infrastructure bill and you worry about money to Ukraine. You better be worried about Russians boots marching through Europe. How disrupted would that be?

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Seemingly, this nation is upside down! Some of the political and social decisions made nowadays are just asinine. Yesterday, I read where “the fertility rate in the US dropped 3% between 2022-2023; that it has been trending down for decades, and another drop in births in 2023, brought the rate down to its lowest in more than a century.” Couple that with the failures of a sound immigration system for workers, presents a debacle up the road. Then to compound that with not providing water and bathroom breaks for construction and farm workers, doesn’t look too promising for the inhabitants of those dwellings, nor the diner of those foods. Where is the humanity? Our ship is way off course!

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The inhumanity of the repubs is so like the 'roid monsters that the orangeman idolizes. Intentional depravity, conscious stupidity, infliction of suffering. When will it end? How can a state believe the workers that do so much to improve and build it deny the very basics for their survival? No time for water? How did this cruelty begin? I lived on a farm as a teen. Worked in the fields with migrant workers. My father NEVER would have denied these very basics to the people who made his success and livelihood possible. Only one way to stop all of it. Turn the tables and make the monsters reverse roles. Put them in the fields, picking fruit, construction projects. No water or bathroom breaks. No pity either. Truly disgusting. Make them suffer.

And for all the feigned fear and pretense of danger in plan B and the abortion pill. And a doctor is among those idiots? But then look at the surgeon general in FL. And sorry that I do not know who wrote it but here it is:

He who hath not a uterus should shut the fucketh up.

Fallopians 3:26

This also applies to the females who go along with the men who promote it. It's all about hatred and control of women. And now the result of it all is refusal of hospitals to treat pregnant women who are in dire need. Talk about a dystopian society. I don't even recognize my country anymore.

MTG should be considered a traitor, as she is one, together with the orangeman. Take them all out to sea and make them walk the plank. Where is Sir Francis Drake when we need him?

Thank you Kareem for constant reminders that we must remain vigilant and do whatever is necessary to protect our freedoms and democracy. Otherwise the imbeciles will run amouk and destroy everything.

Peace and Love.

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This is my only paid subscription on Substack! Kareem's commitment to truth and justice…and to logical thinking…gives me great insights and thoughtful analysis of the world we live in and all the craziness of people who seem to have missed the boat during the teaching of logical analysis and argument in school. I'm afraid his constantly having to point out the disconnect between facts and opinions in so many politicians’ rhetoric is a condemnation of the decline of our educational system…it didn't use to be this way! The War On Women is absolutely a thing and the GOP pols lack of curiosity and their willingness to just parrot talking points without any nuance or consideration of facts is a travesty against which we must all continue to push back!!!

Mr Jabar’s inclusion of sometimes caustic wit, wistful, optimistic and uplifting videos, and his musical tastes help make the medicine go down!❤️

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As a physician, I do have to point out that Rep. Harris of Maryland is not entirely incorrect in stating that mifepristone is an abortifacient. When taken in conjunction with a prostaglandin analog, it does cause medical abortion. Although you are correct in stating that taken alone 'the morning after', it is considered an emergency contraceptive, not an abortifacient. However it does not appear to be the predominate use of the drug from what I could find online, including the following from the Planned Parenthood:

Is mifepristone a morning-after pill?

Nope — these are actually very different medicines. Abortion pills like mifepristone end a pregnancy that already exists. Morning-after pills like Plan B help stop you from getting pregnant in the first place.

Morning-after pills — also called emergency contraception — are a type of birth control. They help delay ovulation, so sperm and egg can’t meet. You can take the morning-after pill up to 5 days after unprotected sex, before pregnancy has a chance to happen. But morning-after pills won’t cause an abortion if you’re already pregnant.

Mifepristone helps cause an abortion — you use it when you’re pregnant. You can use abortion pills up to 11 weeks after the first day of your last period.

Disclaimer- I am not an OB/Gyn physician, so I had to do some research on reputable sites such as PubMed to verify.

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There is a war on women. It is shameful. Women dying from pregnancy and childbirth in 2024. Women unable to make their own decisions about their own lives and bodies, and doctors afraid to treat them. Sounds like the fulfillment of the plot of a futuristic, dystopian novel...when it is actually our current reality.

There is a war on women. It needs to end.

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Conscience: thank you for all you write, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. It ties well to many of the other stories and your points made and those I raised recently in teaching for the hospitality industry in which I work.

It’s thought “too political” to raise issues of conscience when discussing where to hold meetings. Health and health care should be among the most important - not rates and amenities. Recently at a colleague’s meeting a person experiencing an emergency pregnancy could not be treated. (Petula Dvorak wrote for WaPo of a Missouri woman who spoke outside the Court yesterday and the woman’s desperate attempt to save her own life when in MO, her home state, she could not be treated.)

Then the no shade/no water mandate laws that impact many hospitality workers.

All these questions now being asked in RFPs for cities. We have a moral obligation to speak up. Thank you for reenforcing it.

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Love your daily quote - very applicable and I might add this one: “You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.”

― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

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I don't want some moronic lawmakers who probably barely passed basic biology to make laws or make noises from their Coors Lite chutes opining about meds they know nothing about at all. Free speech and all, sure, but they need to shutty their yap yaps.

I've HAD IT with their ignorant shenanigans and self-righteous rhetoric... all in the name of whatever hellscape religion they follow. Leave us women alone.

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Apr 26·edited Apr 26

Florida continues to have no income tax because many of their constituents are retirees with no income. These people are also not interested in funding school districts with their property taxes. They paid high taxes where they’re from when they were working (& had school age children) & now are “not interested” in “community” (since they’re OLD they don’t care about pregnant women either)

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I truly hope this election year, women get really angry and use that anger to vote against Republicans stripping them of their human rights. It’s outrageous, demeaning and a throwback to men know what’s best for silly, helpless women. It makes my blood boil. Speaking of boiling, not allowing workers access to water and shade breaks is going to lead to accidents on the job and worse, deaths. Maybe some of these Florida politicians should spend a few hours roofing a house in the glaring sun and oppressive heat. I doubt they’d last ten minutes. Think of the workers who do it for hours. Obviously they don’t.

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Kareem can always be counted on for sound analysis and common sense. I trust him more than most op-ed writers.

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Banning water breaks in 102 degree heat. Allowing pregnant mothers to die to protect the fetus. Not even considering that a president who attempted a coup should suffer any consequences. Members of Congress clearly favor a cruel, punishing dictator over democracy. These are things that have happened to American freedoms in just the last week. Americans had better wake up and realize that the coup to overthrow our freedom and democracy has already taken over some of the highest level of government — half of Congress, more than half of the Supreme Court, and many state legislatures. Check out who is running for governor of North Carolina. Pay Attention! Register! Vote! Tell your friends. Write to you Congressperson and tell them to protect democracy. Write to your newspapers. Post on social media — even TikTok.

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Apr 26·edited Apr 26

Which is worse?

1. a congressman-physician who doesn’t do the research and misunderstands how the Plan B pill actually works and votes on the basis of his religious values? Or…

2. A congressman-physician who knows exactly how the Plan B pill works and purposely mischaracterizes it because he knows only small percentage of people have the patience and attention span for critical thinking and research.

It’s not clear to me that the congressman doesn’t fall in the second box. Further evidence we are edging closer each day to some version of Mike Judge’s film “Idiocracy.”

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