Presidential/political debates are totally useless. Thank you. My always belief. Didn't watch. Furthermore, I refuse to allow any garbage that comes from the nasty orifice of the orangeman into my consciousness.

And to the guv of the orange state, may you burn in Hell. Cutting the Arts programs so he can create more ill-mannered morons like himself without the tempering and curative effects of the arts. What is wrong with him? Perhaps he's seen too many caricatures of himself from artists. There is a solution for both of the 2. May they disappear into oblivion forever.

Thank you for Yul Brenner and the King & I. Such a magnificent performance and actor. Wonderful movie. And of course, the young boy and his pup. Just delightful.

Please take care of yourself and protect against this awful heat. I stay inside with the AC except for the necessities. Never have been able to deal with high temperatures.

Stay well and happy and at peace. 🌷

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Be glad you didn't watch! It was cringe-worthy at many levels. An epic fail, not unlike Nixon in the Kennedy debates. Trump lied, but made his lies sound cogent at some level. Biden told (mostly) the truth, but relied on stats too much. As an older person, I tend to not use stats due to the fact that they are easily forgotten/misquoted. Plus, there are three lies: white lies, damn lies, and statistics. Biden should have stuck to the facts, not the stats. Plus Biden's wanting to debate Trump "anywhere and anytime, pal" was a pure example of "careful what you wish for, you just might get it". This was an epic fail. Democracy is in peril.

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Thank you. And now it's disheartening to read about Biden's "performance." Since dt's crowd always supports him, so should our "crowd" support Biden.

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Yeah, Susan...I will vote against Trump, but not "for" Biden. The Dems will get my vote to bolster their attempts to thwart "Czar Trump". It's just sad that the choices are getting worse and worse each election. It's usually the lesser of the evils, if you will, who gets my vote. In this case, one is the epitome of evil, while the other - whose policies I'm in agreement with - just scares the crap out of me. Harris is a decent, but not great VP, and she would be a horrible replacement should Biden die during a second term. Imagine it happening, and imagine the MAGA's staging a coup. We're already in "shark infested waters", no need to shed anymore blood. Bye, bye, Miss American pie.

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Everyone should read or listen to Robert hubbell's substack this morning. Second of two. Be sure to read the links that he includes. So important, and expertly expressed by writers like Kareem who know how to use the language to tell the truth.

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One more thing about leaf blowers on behalf of our little friends. Removing loose leaves each week (at an ear crushing volume no less) disrupts the habitats of many beloved creatures: bees, butterflies, chipmunks. Rake them if you must. Or make peace with them. They're not the enemy, they're just leaves.

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Well, Kareem, the perfect song for the morning after the debate. I had never seen the gorgeous Yul Brynner performance so that was a treat. Thank you. Meanwhile, I have been more focused on remaining hydrated to stay alive long enough to vote Democratic in November. Old age, AFib, and oppressive heat is a nasty combo.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

Kareem, It would be great if voters evaluated the information and plans that were already out there, but from my experience, most don’t do the research and are about the optics and “the strut.” Yes, they are “the worst kind of voter…lazy, insulting to democracy, detrimental to the country…and don’t understand the responsibilities of democracy.” That said, the optics last night were horrible for Biden: ghostly makeup, drooping posture, weak voice, missed attack opportunities—just a bad performance, by candidates and hosts! For many voters, it will be all they see, and it could be the wrong outcome for the nation.

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Yesterday at lunch with some friends, I asked my Republican friend about Biden and what did she think about him. She mentioned his halting gait, his gaffes, his wanderings, especially after informing her about the NY Post pic showing Biden (supposedly) wandering off at a G27 summit meet and greet. I informed her about his arthritis thought his body. She did not know that. Then I asked her if she knew any of the laws that have passed under Biden. She said no, not really. I listed so many of the bills, many that were bipartisan, and she hadn't heard about any of them. So, I asked...where do you get your information about politics and what laws have been enacted and what's going on in the world. 3 Guesses and the first 2 don't count. Yep, FOX. It saddens me that she doesn't do more research or read/watch other medias for a comparing info. Sadly, she is indicative of the majority of people in this country who listen to what they want to hear, feed them their grievances, feed them a lopsided view of the country and the world. She told me she was registered as an Indie but I informed her she can't possible be an Indie if she votes in the primary as Florida is a closed primary. I'm even more depressed. And thanks for speaking about DeS disgusting veto on all arts. Where I live in Florida, the arts are a huge part of our community for the kids, adults, seniors, tourists. Once again, DeS has proven himself to be a nasty, mean man. So...I'll move on and keep trying my best to fight the evil that lurks inside some people. And thanks for your insight on such a range of topics. I always look forward to your newsletters.

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Let’s hope not. We mustn’t let optics be our guide. Democracy is on the line in November, and I for one will hold fast to voting for the party of Biden. We have to combat Project 2025 no matter what.

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Hi Katharine. WE understand that, but most people are visual and none readers. What voters do “in the voting booth,” has already been demonstrated by “W” and Trump presidencies. And Biden’s performance was after A WEEK of rehearsals at Camp David, of material that is cemented in his brain. If he’s on the ticket, he’s the only option for me. Still, a sad commentary, for this great country.

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I have always said - Everything happens, we make the reason. Next week Kareem please take on - the lord doesn’t give you any more than you can handle.

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Right....'cept he does sometime!

Perfect quote for next week!

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Or..... It is what it is!

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Good one. The obvious answer is - yes , but what is it?

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Apropos of your comment on the song from "The King and I": Jazz guitarist John Pizzarelli has a regular Thursday evening live Facebook presentation called "It's Five O'Clock Somewhere" (though it's presented at 6 p.m.). He performs solo, sometimes his own favorites, sometimes responding to requests - mostly standard American song-book tunes. But every time, he includes the song "You've Got to Be Carefully Taught" from the musical "South Pacific", with the comment that he'll keep doing it until it's not needed any more (which alas will be never). He also tries to include it in his public performances.

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On leaf blowers -- I would like to see all of them banned and not just the gas powered ones. They make a lot of noise and they dont pick up a single leaf. They just move leafs from one place to another.

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Well said

Help Joe

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I lasted exactly 14 minutes before I couldn't take any more of Trump's preposterous claims. I totally agree about leaf blowers. I hate them. Besides the noise they blow dirt into the air.

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+I tuned in and out of the "debate" while basically tuned to the Olympic track and field trials. Biden looked really weak there...and Trump just about never answered a question, blathering on and layering falsehood after falsehood. I fear that TV "real poopy politicians" hurt Biden - but should also demonstrate that

trump is the worst!!!!

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You lasted longer than I did. I made it to about 10 minutes.

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Thank you for making me cry over the joy of the birthday present. It reminds me that it's not so much to be loved as to love.

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I don’t think *we* insist on debates, it’s the ratings grabbing news *making* profit driven oligarch owned media that insists on these performative shows.

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Yes. The news that most people read is apparently written only ratings now. They’re the FOX guarding the factual news henhouse for us.

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Today's observations resonated with me on many levels. I'm your age, grew up in Inwood like you, and I actually met Yul Brenner backstage after a performance of The King and I. He was an imposing figure: Deep voice, severe facial make-up as the King, and, from a little kid's perspective, a bigger-than-life person! Perfect as the black-clad Magnificent Seven leader. Love the music from that show. Didn't Cannonball cover some of those tunes?

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“What people would choose their leader based on hand-to-hand combat, the most useless skill for a modern leader? Fun in a movie, but dumb in real life.”

The answer can be found on January 6, 2021, when Rudy Giuliani said “let’s have trial by combat!” to the insurrectionist mob.

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Oh, Kareem - I'm totally inspired by "We can become stronger from pain - we can be inspired to help others endure their pain". This is Resilience.

Resilience is powerful and helpful, it's what inspires strength and understanding.

Thank you.

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Thank you, Kareem, for your astute observations. The King & I song is a perfect soundtrack for peoples' inability or reluctance to adapt to a changing world. How else to account for diehard Republicans?

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The American Airlines employees responsible for kicking black people off a plane should be TERMINATED. Not put “on leave”, not “counseled”, not “educated” or “retrained”. They should be TERMINATED.

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