Thanks so much for this Cap. It really touched my heart. I

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Two wonderful, charismatic men among men. Both inspiring examples of humankind. In many ways giants of leadership.

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Well said Cap!

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I was fortunate to get to know Bill over the last 5 years. What you say about him is exactly right. He never met a person that he didn't immediately want to know on a personal level. Outgoing, a joy to be around, and that smile. He's with Jerry now and I'm sure they are playing Bertha together.

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Replying to myself may be a faux pas but it wasn't too long ago I heard Bill deliver a beautiful eulogy himself, to the great Bill Russell. Followed by Electric Waste Band playing "He's Gone".

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Beautiful words. And now Jerry West has passed away.

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Beautiful. Hope to hear your thoughts on West in the near future.

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A beautifully written eulogy, Kareem. The synchronicity for me of seeing this post today is remarkable: this morning our latest episode of The Art 2 Aging features an interview with Tom Meschery, "The Mad Russian", who you may know. Tom's story is heroic in so many ways. I hope you have a chance to subscribe (for free!) and listen!

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Lyrical. Let LOVE sing and what do we hear? This celestial melody.

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A heartwarming tribute from one of the greatest players ever to pick up a basketball. So touching about his friend who shared his space in the rarified air breathed by NBA immortals.

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For all my sorrow, I cannot express how happy it makes me that you and Bill were such close friends -- I didn't learn that until his passing. I am very, very sorry for your loss. I didn't know him and only ever admired him from afar, so I was surprised how hard his death hit me and has stayed with me. The love and memories we leave behind with those who survive us is the only form of an afterlife that I believe in. I'm so glad for both of you two giant souls that you had each other in your lives for the little time allotted to us.

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Thank you, peace for you.

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Thanks, Kareem.

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Kareem, I am also 77 years old, and I have followed basketball and your career since I was a senior in high school. I must have read this article 20 times and have shared it with many friends. For years you entertained me and now you teach me. Thank you.

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Jun 8·edited Jun 8

Bill Walton was the only reason I paid for cable. There was no greater joy than watching a UCLA basketball game commentated by Bill Walton. I always recorded his games and enjoyed being entertained while learning about life at the same time.

“The Conference of Champions”

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Beautiful. I had to wait a week to read this because I knew I would be emotional. You write so eloquently about your friend, leading me to believe although I didn’t know him, he was my friend too. I am so sorry for your loss.

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I waited too Brenda but still emotional.

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