Who's the GOAT? Jimmy Fallon and I Settle the Issue Once and For All
Spoiler Alert: You get to see me in my jammies.
The question I get asked most often by fans and the press is “Who is the GOAT?” My response is always the same: There is no way to determine the greatest player because we all played under different circumstances and different rules.
But the other night when I was on The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon brought it up again. I hope this little video I made will answer the question once and for all—and demonstrate just how little the title means to me.
Ok Kareem. You are too funny. Your humor is priceless. 1) starts out great. Stepping over the door to get into your car. 2) losing your hat in the breeze (like a recent Warrior on the Bay 3) the secret goats meeting 4) your talking goat. Are you the ventriloquist? You just made my day.😂😂 Thank you!!
Hilarious. We needed a good laff today.