Trump Commits Treason (Really) and MT Greene Defends Farts (Seriously)
Twitter’s Hate Spiral (Sadly), Reparations Are Trending (Finally), and More
A lot of the issues I discuss today are focused on responsibility. Responsibility can be about owning up to something bad that has happened, or it can be about taking charge to make sure something bad doesn’t happen. Or both. It takes a special person to do either.
Private businesses like Twitter, Facebook, Exxon, and so forth often excuse unethical behavior with the defense that they are acting responsibly on behalf of their shareholders. Their legal duty is to make them—and themselves—money.
I have no issue with companies making money, as long as they do so ethically which, to me, means also protecting the people who live in the country where you’re making all your money. Unfortunately, people whose success is built on the exploitation of others can never be convinced that they have done anything wrong. Just the opposite. Their success is proof they are right: Might Makes Right. Which is why it is up to us, the people, to hold businesses and our elected officials, to some ethical standard.
Politics: Treason or Sedition?
Trump Calls For 'Termination' Of Constitution Over Elon Musk's 'Twitter Files' Leak (The Huffington Post)
Summary: Former President Donald Trump called Saturday for the “termination” of articles of the Constitution following the “Twitter files” leak of a series of messages between the social media platform’s leaders in the run-up to the 2020 presidential election.
Trump suggested that the contents of the leak warranted a complete election re-do or simply a coup in which he would be installed as president.
“A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,” Trump wrote on Truth Social, the platform he started after being kicked off Twitter early 2021.
My Take: I thought I was pretty jaded after nearly 60 years of political activism. I’d seen it all. But Trump’s latest social media rant actually made my stomach turn. An ex-president of the United States calling for overturning the Constitution he swore to defend with his life just so he can be president again.
The so-called “Twitter Files” released by Elon Musk on Twitter does suggest there were efforts by both Democrats and Republicans (mostly Democrats) to squash certain stories. It’s clear that Biden’s campaign tried to keep explicit photos of Hunter Biden and his romantic partners from going public (which any respectable news outlet wouldn’t have shown anyway). So far, as The Washington Post reported, “But by the time the dust settled Saturday, even some conservatives were grumbling that it was a dud. Musk’s Twitter Files produced no smoking gun showing that the tech giant had bent to the will of Democrats.”
Regardless of what will come from Musk’s files, it is clear that anyone supporting Trump, either through money or votes, is a co-conspirator. What is treason if not the tearing up of our Constitution to install a non-elected dictator?