Gas Stoves Begets Culture War and The Rise of Antisemitism
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Science Vs. Politics: The Big Loser Is Always Us

SUMMARY: “Earlier this week, Bloomberg News reported that a federal ban on gas stoves is ‘on the table amid rising concern about harmful indoor air pollutants emitted by the appliances.’” No decision has been made and in fact also on the table is implementing emissions standards. In response, former White House doctor Ronny Jackson and current Texas Congressman, tweeted the statement above.
MY TAKE: Just to clarify, two days after the original article another article refuted the claim: “The head of the US Consumer Product Safety Commission said the agency has no plans to ban gas stoves, days after one of his colleagues said a ban was one option under consideration in comments that ignited a political firestorm.” But that’s not the point. What matters is the oversized reaction and how it reveals the incompetence and arrogance of some elected officials.
Rep. Jackson wasn’t the only politician to stake a claim on Bluster Mountain. West Virginia Democrat (-ish) Joe Manchin said in a statement Tuesday: “I can tell you the last thing that would ever leave my house is the gas stove that we cook on. If this is the greatest concern that the Consumer Product Safety Commission has for American consumers, I think we need to reevaluate the commission.”
Do we? Because the facts are on the Commission’s side: “Natural gas stoves are used in about 40% of homes in the US. They emit air pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide and fine particulate matter at levels the EPA and World Health Organization have said are unsafe and linked to respiratory illness, cardiovascular problems, cancer and other health conditions, multiple studies have said.
“Consumer Reports, in October, urged consumers planning to buy a new range to consider going electric after tests conducted by the group found high levels of nitrogen oxide gases from gas stoves. And new peer-reviewed research published last month in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health found that more than 12% of current childhood asthma cases in the US can be attributed to gas stove use.”
In addition, The Guardian reported, “A study by PSE Health Energy found benzene in 99% of samples it took in homes in California. Other chemicals discovered included xylene, toluene and ethylbenzene, which can also cause respiratory issues and may cause cancer as well.”
WHY THIS IS IMPORTANT: The conclusion is that there is a significantly higher risk of health problems in kids (and adults) because of gas stoves. No one said gas stoves would be banned, only that the Commission was evaluating all options to protect consumers. Seems reasonable since that is their actual job. Would Jackson and Manchin have led the protests over removing asbestos from paint and buildings? “They’ll have to pry my asbestos insulation from my cold, dead… *cough* *cough* Plop.
I get that gas stoves are better for cooking. I also understand that none of us wants to lose our artifacts of comfort, whether metal lawn darts or gas stoves. But the whole reason civilization evolves is because we learn about our mistakes. In the nineteenth century, Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis, acting on the new and unaccepted germ theory of disease, encouraged hand-washing by the hospital staff thus reducing mortality rate by 90%. However, the other doctors rejected his theory and the obvious results, eventually firing him and destroying his reputation and life. (“They’ll have to pry the germs from my cold, filthy hands…”)
Instead of proclaiming their heated defense of gas stoves, shouldn’t our elected officials be proclaiming their defense of the children suffering? What are their specific reasons for defending gas stoves as if they were sacred altars? None. They just want to tap into the knee-jerk outrage whenever science trumps nostalgia.
This isn’t about gas stoves, it’s about who stands in the way of protecting Americans—even when it’s other, un-informed Americans.
See also: “Are gas stoves really dangerous? What we know about the science”; “The Culture War of the Week: Your Stove”; “Gas Stoves Are Tied to Health Concerns. Here’s How to Lower Your Risk.”