Brittney Griner Is Free and Trump’s Org Commits Fraud
Dead Capitol Cop’s Family Snub GOP Leaders, Louisiana’s Grand Inquisition of Librarians, Restaurant Boots Christian Group, and More
One of the current debates is whether or not we should comment on the asinine ramblings of the likes of Donald Trump, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Kanye (Ye) West, Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson and others who spread lies, misinformation, or bad critical thinking. Some believe that by giving them media air, we feed the fire that spreads their flaming ignorance even further. I get it. It’s frustrating seeing the bad student get most the attention—even if it’s negative attention—while the good student gets less attention than they deserve.
However, I learned my lesson in 2016 when I laughed at the prospect of a crooked buffoon like Donald Trump being elected. Every time some new revelation was revealed of his improprieties—bragging about grabbing women “by the pussy,” sexual assault accusations, racism in his business, business associates claiming fraud, defaming John McCain’s military service, etc.—I thought, “Surely, now his supporters will abandon him. They have some ethical standards.” That didn’t happen. Emboldened by no accountability, he shredded many government regulations, installed incompetents in major positions, admitted lying to Americans about COVID— thereby allowing them to die, rammed unqualified Supreme Court justices that are undermining the Constitution, and just last week suggested doing away with our Constitution so he could be installed as president.
I no longer laugh at these idiotic politicians, billionaires, or celebrities who are gnawing away at democracy in order to feed their own bloated and undeserved egos. If you strip away all the media hype and run all their statements through a Logic-o-Matic computer, we’d all be scratching our heads at the incoherence of what they’re saying. But so many people are blinded by the expensive suits, the titles, and the money that they equate business success with wisdom. Knowing the difference is one of the teachings that pretty much all religions and philosophies have in common. A teaching that goes unheeded by most.
That’s why I don’t relent on those whose ignorance can go viral and infect our culture and government. Their clownish public personas makes us underestimate the damage they can do. When you see the pinholes in your drywall, you know the termites are in their eating away at the foundation. Do we ignore them until it’s too late, or deal with them immediately? I say we go after them every time they show themselves. And they can’t help showing themselves on social media. Our job is to reveal what they say for the nonsense it is until no one wants to hear from them again.
Breaking Good News
Brittney Griner Is Flying Home After Prisoner Swap With Russia (The New York Times)

Summary: “Griner, an American basketball star who had been imprisoned in Russia on drug charges, was traded for Viktor Bout, a Russian arms dealer. President Biden said Griner would be back in the United States within 24 hours.”
My Take: I’m excited and relieved that Brittney Griner will be coming home after her horrendous ordeal. President Biden has assured us that he is still in negotiations for the return of Paul Whelan, who has been in a Russian prison longer than Griner. Various news outlets reported that American negotiators fought hard to have Whelan included in the swap but that Russia would not budge. Right now, we have to take the win that we can.
I know many American players make much more money playing abroad than they do here. But this should be a clear warning not to play for a Russian team again. Nor should anyone play against a Russian team in any sport until they have ceased their criminal attacks on Ukraine.