What I’m Discussing Today:
Kareem’s Daily Quote: Alice Walker reminds people how to empower themselves.
President Biden Backs Kamala Harris for President: Sometimes you have to pivot. Fortunately, we have a strong candidate who supports everything good about America.
Trump Selling $300 Sneakers With His Bloody Face, MAGA Message: For Trump, it’s never the wrong time to scam Americans.
John Deere ends support of ‘social or cultural awareness’ events, distances from inclusion efforts: Another company whose motto should be: “I stand for whatever will make me the most money.”
Kareem’s Video Break: Moments like this are what makes life worth living.
Kareem’s Kvetching Korner: This paranoid movie tries to scare us into believing that those in power are victims.
What I’m Reading: Three exciting works of fiction—one novel and two graphic novels. Highly recommend.
Bob Dylan Sings “My Back Pages”: Dylan reminds us of his genius with a little help from Tom Petty, Neil Young, George Harrison, and others.
Special Message about Biden Stepping Down
There is a Chinese expression from 1627 that says: “Better to be a dog in times of tranquility than a human in times of chaos.” This has been the most chaotic election of my lifetime and it has left the nation, the world—and me personally—deeply unsettled.
I didn’t advocate for Biden to step down because the reasons people wanted him to were against logic. He has a terrific record for getting things done that benefit the country as well as defending the Constitution against those who would undermine it. I have some disagreements about the handling of the situation in the Middle East and immigration, but when I look at the totality of what he’s done, it’s easy to support his Administration and laud their accomplishments.
This is especially true when we look at his opponent, for whom no rational, moral, or patriotic person could vote. That’s not an opinion based on political bias but of a dispassionate analysis of the man and his actions. I have listed his numerous faults, lies, crimes, and how he’s a clear and present danger to democracy so many times that there’s no need to do it again here. If you support Trump, none of that matters because you don’t care about logic or morality or democracy. That’s not me being snarky, it’s a reasonable conclusion based on everything Trump has done and said. I’ve never agreed with everything any president has done, even those I’ve supported. Agreeing with everything a politician says or does means you’re not a supporter, you’re a cult member.
Based on what we’ve all observed, Biden is too old to be the optimal president. But so is Trump, who often falls asleep at public events, slurs his speech, and rambles incoherently in front of crowds. Between the two, Biden was the better geezer.
Democrats got scared of public perception and bullied Biden into dropping out. I get why, though it is not their finest hour. But after seeing the craziness of public opinion, I can understand their motivation. The attempted murder of Trump by an unstable loner suddenly made Trump more popular, which is a testament to how mob mentality works. At the Republican National Convention, there was a lot of talk about how God saved Trump. Unanswered was why God allowed the shooter to fire in the first place or why didn’t God flick the bullet in result missing Trump or why God let the husband and father die? That is the unhinged mob mentality the country is up against. The devil democracy faces is the people who are unable to think rationally but still vote.
So, where are we now? We have a terrific candidate in Kamala Harris. She’s been part of the Biden Administration that has accomplished so much in the past four years. She defends the Constitution against the onslaught from the GOP, which includes the corrupt Supreme Court justices Alito and Thomas. She has the education, she has the political experience, and she has the proven ability to get things done. Of course, she’s a woman and a Person of Color (African-American and Asian-American), which to the conservatives who’ve campaigned on their anti-women and racist policies is like splashing water on the Wicked Witch.
GOP VP candidate Vance said this at the RNC: “Kamala Harris said something to the effect that I have no loyalty to this country. Well, I don’t know Kamala. I did serve in the United States Marine Corps and built a business. What the hell have you done other than collect a check?” Naturally, there was applause. But what did he really say? First, serving in the military does not automatically make one a patriot anymore than being a cop makes you automatically honest. The list of criminals that have served is long. He served in the Public Affairs section. Second, I’m not sure what business he built. He did work a couple of years as a venture capitalist about which some of his colleagues were less than impressed (“JD Vance tried to be a VC. He didn't do much, old colleagues said.”). Third, he’s been picking up a government-issued paycheck most of his career (including in the military), just like Harris, except he’s done very little to earn it, unlike Harris.
You know what’s so different about this election? In the past, the lies and corruption of some of the candidates were hidden because we used to believe in the concept of “shame.” Now, we’re back to “greed is good” and people are expendable and rights aren’t what the Constitution says, but what those who seek power say.
Trump is so afraid of her that he’s still ranting against Biden, even after Biden dropped out of the race. He claimed, without evidence, that Biden didn’t really have COVID-19. Even if that were true, so what? He’s not running against Biden. Speaker of the House Mike Johnson threatened to sue to keep Biden in the race. If they really cared about the welfare of the country, wouldn’t they encourage the person they claim is incompetent to drop out to make sure he didn’t win again? This has revealed their true policy: Anything to gain power, no matter the cost to democracy or the American people.
At this point, all I can do is continue to believe that the U.S. will not descend into some horrific version of Lord of the Flies, but will fight for the principles in the U.S. Constitution rather than abandon democracy just to dance around a bonfire and worship a decomposing pig’s head.
Kareem’s Daily Quote
The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any.
Alice Walker, author of The Color Purple
Alice Walker’s The Color Purple is one of my favorite novels, so I’m happy to have the opportunity to feature her wisdom today (and recommend you read her stunningly insightful and touching book).
This quote is especially relevant during an election year because, while a national election appears to be the ultimate symbol of public empowerment, in reality, it often is just the opposite.
When people don’t vote because they claim to be fed up with all politicians, that’s just a way of giving up because democracy is hard, frustrating, and infuriating—which is why it requires hard work and moral strength. Those without such qualities have given up their power but are trying to pretend their failure is a virtue. As President Eisenhower said, “Some politician some years ago said that bad officials are elected by good voters who do not vote.”
The second group of people who give up their power are those who vote based solely on their biases and ignorance. They have abdicated their responsibilities as a patriotic member of this democracy. They don’t have the strength of character or intellectual curiosity to form their own opinions based on facts and logic. Instead, they vote based on what their parents taught them, their religion tells them (probably also their parents’ religion), and their political party (probably also their parents’ political party). They have avoided original thinking their entire lives because that risks being rejected by their family and community. They think they are loved only as long as they agree with everyone around them.
Elections are an opportunity to voice one’s beliefs and values, but if those beliefs and values are someone else’s and they are merely parroting others, then they have abdicated any personal power. They are not the hammer but the nail thinking they are a hammer.
It is a challenge these days to believe we have any power at all. We watch billionaires manipulate the political system, not for the good of the country or the benefit of the people, but to enhance their profits. We watch politicians and Supreme Court justices cower to the will of the wealthy and it fills us with despair. But that is the time when we must gather our will and demonstrate our power. We do not go gentle into this election. Otherwise, the county is lost—and so are we as individuals.